I had intended to write something longer but pain from my episiotomy is making me only want to lie down and close my eyes whenever I have the opportunity to.
Anyway, last Saturday, we welcomed our little bundle of joy – Beth! She is a week old as I write this. Or, I survived a week! She takes up 99% of my time and sleep, but she has been the light of my life since. I’ve been focusing a lot of my energy on caring for myself, family and baby. What that also means is although we’re still operating, I will take more time to ship your goods out. There are still some parcels I’ve yet to ship out; they’re coming but they’ll take awhile. I’m sorry!
Meanwhile, everyone who sees Beth says she’s a mini-me. But we dug up some old photos, and we’re not so sure anymore. Let us know what you think with the poll below!